#108 Richard Shweder: Morality, Haidt's Moral Foundations, and Multiculturalism
Dr. Richard Shweder is a cultural anthropologist and the Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Human Development at the University of Chicago, US. He’s the author of Thinking Through Cultures: Expeditions in Cultural Psychology and Why Do Men Barbecue? Recipes for Cultural Psychology, and editor or co-editor of many books in the areas of cultural psychology, psychological anthropology and comparative human development. Dr. Shweder has been the recipient of many awards, including a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship (1985-86) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science Socio-Psychological Prize for his essay “Does the Concept of the Person Vary Cross-Culturally?”. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has served as President of the Society for Psychological Anthropology. More»