#98 Carin Perilloux: Perceiving Sexual Interest, Physical Attractiveness, Parent-Offspring Conflict
Dr. Carin Perilloux is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Southwestern University, US. She uses cognitive science to study social phenomena from an evolutionary perspective. In particular, she applies an adaptationist lens to human mating. Her main research interests include sexual intent perception, physical attractiveness, sexual victimization and parent-offspring conflict.
In this episode, we focus on particular aspects of human mating, including sexual intent perception, cues of physical attractiveness for both sexes, how women deal with their vulnerability to sexual abuse and rape, and also parent-offspring conflict when it comes to mate selection.
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Joining Evolutionary Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Social Psychology
Do men overperceive sexual interest in women?
Are men jerks?
What about women? Do they misperceive sexual interest in men?
Cross-cultural variation
Seduction and the #metoo movement
What men and women consider physically attractive
Women, rape, and their need to feel safe
Parent-offspring conflict and the daughter-guarding hypothesis
Follow Dr. Perilloux’ work!
Follow Dr. Perilloux’ work:
Personal website: https://www.carinp.com/
Faculty page: https://www.southwestern.edu/live/profiles/25827-carin-perilloux