#866 Vibeke Ottesen: The Evolution of Human Violence, Juvenile Crime, and Abortion
Dr. Vibeke Ottesen is a Norwegian criminologist with an interest in how nature and nurture combined create human behavior. She has a popular science blog – Biosocial - where she comments on news, scientific findings and literature relevant to her subject – more often than not with an evolutionary-informed approach to understanding the subject matter. She has held numerous lectures on the benefits of an evolutionary-informed approach to understanding the cross-cultural sex and age differences in anti-social and criminal behavior.
In this episode, we start by talking about using animal models to study human violence, and Richard Wrangham’s work on violence. We discuss how much crime is impulsive and how much of it is planned. We talk about juvenile crime, and the risk factors associated with it. We discuss how the media misrepresent crime, and common misconceptions about the perpetrators. We talk about the link between economic inequality and crime. Finally, we discuss common misconceptions surrounding abortion.
Time Links:
Using animal models to study human violence
Richard Wrangham’s work on violence
How much crime is impulsive and how much of it is planned
Juvenile crime
How the media misrepresents crime, and common misconceptions about the perpetrators
The link between economic inequality and crime
Understanding human behavior is not the same as condoning it
Misconceptions about abortion
Follow Dr. Ottesen’s work!
Follow Dr. Ottesen’s work:
Our first interview: https://youtu.be/4VxwKrCjAVQ
Our second interview: https://youtu.be/TUSicyNlQ8M
Blog: https://bit.ly/3sRWbyD
Works on ResearchGate: https://bit.ly/2SMtqXi
Twitter handle: @biososial