#574 Andreas Jungherr: Online Political Discourse, Digital Media and Politics, and Misinformation
Dr. Andreas Jungherr is Professor for Political Science with a focus on the Governance of Complex and Innovative Technical Systems at Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg. He examines the impact of digital media on politics and society. He has worked on the uses of digital media and technology by publics, political actors, and organizations in international comparison. He also addresses challenges for scientific research in reaction to digital change in order to realize opportunities emerging from new data sources and analytical approaches. In this, he has focused on harnessing the potential of digital methods and computational social science while addressing methodological challenges in its integration into the social sciences. He is the author of books like Retooling Politics: How Digital Media are Shaping Democracy, and Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data: The Role of Twitter Messages in Social Science Research. More»