#485 Joshua Glasgow - The Solace: Finding Value in Death through Gratitude for Life
Dr. Joshua Glasgow is Associate Professor in (and Chair of) the Philosophy Department at Sonoma State University. Dr. Glasgow works on a variety of topics in moral, political, and legal philosophy. His publications have covered a variety of issues concerning ethics, the good life, race and racism, language, law, mind, and more. He’s the author of The Solace: Finding Value in Death Through Gratitude for Life.
In this episode, we focus on The Solace. We discuss questions like “What is the meaning of life?”, “What is a good life?”, “Is death bad?”, “What if we lived forever?”, and we tackle several opposite views coming from pessimists, nihilists, and even antinatalists.
Time Links:
The premise of the book
Is life meaningful?
Can we evaluate life objectively?
What is a good life?
Finding value in death
Should people think more about death?
Pessimism, and nihilism
Nietzsche’s Eternal Return
Lives not worth living
Should we always be grateful for our lives?
The Epicurean approach
Can people live good lives without thinking about death?
Objective goods
Follow Dr. Glasgow’s work!
Follow Dr. Glasgow’s work:
Faculty page: https://bit.ly/2L6ayz1
Website: https://bit.ly/382ZiMJ
PhilPeople profile: http://bit.ly/3bTWqUj
Amazon page: http://amzn.to/38RHKDo
The Solace: https://amzn.to/3aVKP6Z