#430 David Lahti: Philosophy of Biology, Complex Traits, and Evolutionary Ethics
Dr. David C. Lahti is an Associate Professor of Biology at Queens College, City University of New York, where he runs a Behavior & Evolution laboratory. His work focuses on evolutionary and behavioral ecology, especially the evolution of complex and learned traits in birds and humans.
In this episode, we talk about philosophy of biology and evolutionary theory. Topics include: complex and learned traits; birds, and the evolutionary insights we can get by studying them; culture from an evolutionary perspective; how species lose traits during evolution; evolutionary ethics; human moral universals; gene-culture coevolution; morality and religion; and progress in evolution.
Time Links:
Complex and learned traits
Studying birds
Culture and cultural evolution
Losing traits during evolution
Evolutionary ethics, and morality
Human universal morality
The relationship between sociality and morality
Gene-culture coevolution
Morality and religion
Can we talk about progress in evolution?
Follow Dr. Lahti’s work!
Follow Dr. Lahti’s work:
Faculty page: https://bit.ly/3lAMikP
Website: https://bit.ly/36CXSbe
The Lahti Lab: https://bit.ly/36zUxJL
ResearchGate profile: https://bit.ly/33H9Nmj
Twitter handle: @davidclahti