#401 Kristina Durante: Female Intrasexual Competition, and Consumer Choices
Dr. Kristina Durante is an associate professor of marketing, Marketing Department Vice Chair, and the marketing Ph.D. program coordinator at Rutgers Business School. She is a social psychologist interested in the biology of decision-making. Her research lies at the intersection of social psychology, evolutionary biology, and consumer decision-making. Dr. Durante’s research program focuses on how our evolved biology (ancestral ecology and internal physiological systems) and our modern social environment interact to influence behavior. Her areas of expertise include women’s consumer choice and luxury spending, family consumer decisions, hormones and behavior, and the psychological consequences of ambiguity.
In this episode, we focus on ovulation, and women’s mate preferences and consumer behavior. We discuss how female intrasexual competition changes across the ovulatory cycle, and how that manifests in terms of consumer choices and health-related risky behavior. We talk about how we should think about the relationship between our evolved psychology and the modern conditions we live in. We refer to what happens to women’s consumer patterns in a situation of economic decline. In the final part of our talk, we discuss how women can improve their mate preferences, to be more in line with modern conditions, and also how they might improve their current relationships.
Time Links:
The ovulatory competition hypothesis
Women’s consumer behavior across the cycle
Health-related risky behavior
Evolutionary mismatch, and the relationship between our evolved psychology and modern conditions
Consumer patterns in a situation of economic decline
What women look for in a relationship, and how they can improve their mate preferences
The “bad boy effect”
Male and female mating behavior, and short-term and long-term relationships
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Follow Dr. Durante’s work:
Faculty page: https://bit.ly/2GdWLnB
ResearchGate profile: https://bit.ly/344Rx5Q
Twitter handle: @KristinaDurante