#37 David F. Lancy: Children's Play and Learning in Traditional and WEIRD Societies
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Dr. David F. Lancy is Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at Utah State University. He is the author/editor of several books on childhood and culture, including Cross-Cultural Studies in Cognition and Mathematics (1983), Studying Children and Schools (2001), Playing on the Mother Ground: Cultural Routines for Children’s Learning (1996) and Anthropological Perspectives on Learning in Childhood (2010).
Here, we talk about children’s play as a human universal; teaching behavior from adults in different cultures and ecological conditions; children’s acquisition of language and motherese; what children naturally seek to learn and what they can learn just through observation, imitation, and emulation; the differences between parents’ behavior toward children learning in traditional and WEIRD societies; gender roles; the role of alloparenting in traditional societies; and the relationship between learning impairments and infanticide.
O Dr. David F. Lancy é Professor Emérito de Antropologia na Utah State University. É o autor/editor de vários livros sobre infância e cultura, incluindo Cross-Cultural Studies in Cognition and Mathematics (1983), Studying Children and Schools (2001), Playing on the Mother Ground: Cultural Routines for Children’s Learning (1996) e Anthropological Perspectives on Learning in Childhood (2010).
Aqui, falamos sobre a brincadeira nas crianças como universal humano; o comportamento de ensino da parte dos adultos em diferentes culturas e condições ecológicas; a aquisição de língua por parte das crianças e o “motherese”; o que as crianças naturalmente procuram aprender e o que podem aprender através da observação, imitação e emulação; as diferenças entre o comportamento dos pais em relação à aprendizagem das crianças em sociedades tradicionais e WEIRD; papéis de género; o papel do “alloparenting” nas sociedades tradicionais; e a relação entre défices de aprendizagem e infanticídio.
Follow Dr. Lancy’s work:
Faculty page: http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/authors/239709#iW28x5caQADeAqq0.97
His Psychology Today blog: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/benign-neglect
His books: https://www.amazon.com/David-F.-Lancy/e/B001HP196G