#214 Jonathon Crystal: Memory and Metacognition in Animal Models
Dr. Jonathon Crystal is Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University. His research focuses on developing animal models of cognition. His current work focuses on episodic memory, source memory, and prospective memory in rats. He has also developed rodent models to assess retrieval practice, working memory, and metacognition. He is currently the Editor of Learning & Behavior, and he recently served as President of the Comparative Cognition Society.
In this episode, we talk about studying memory in nonhuman animals, primarily in rats. First, we talk about ways of classifying different types of memory. We then get into how Dr. Crystal designs experiments to study different types of memory and know if they even exist in other animals, including episodic memory and prospective memory. Toward the end, we also refer to metacognition.
Time Links:
The types of memory
Studying memory in animal models (episodic memory)
The subjective side of memory
Can we extrapolate from nonhuman animals to humans?
Do other animals think about the future (prospective memory)?
Do other animals keep track of time?
Can we study metacognition in nonhuman animals?
How memory evolved
Follow Dr. Crystal’s work!
Follow Dr. Crystal’s work:
Faculty page: https://bit.ly/2VxsVft
Articles on Researchgate: https://bit.ly/2JOjK8v
Relevant papers:
Animal Models of Episodic Memory: https://bit.ly/2RIIHEl
Episodic-like Memory in the Rat: https://bit.ly/2ZK1ZM5
Prospective memory in the rat: https://bit.ly/2X1JSjd
Metacognition in animals: https://bit.ly/31TqxnN