#194 Anna Vedel: Personality, Academia, Ageing, And The Gender Equality Paradox
Dr. Anna Vedel is PhD and Postdoc in the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at Aarhus University, Denmark. Her research areas are in individual differences, personality, academic performance, and study choices.
In this episode, we talk about how personality traits and individual differences influence educational, occupational and life choices. First, we discuss current personality inventories, particularly the Big Five, and their scientific basis and validity. Then, we get into issues related to the gender equality paradox, and how the differences between men and women in personality and educational and career choices exacerbate in countries that are more gender equal. We talk about findings in personality differences across academic majors, and also about the personality traits that are the most stable across lifespan, but also the ones that change a bit.
Time Links:
The Big Five, and other personality inventories
The innate and developmental aspects of personality
Individual differences, and educational and occupational choices
The gender equality paradox, and its social and political implications
Personality differences across academic majors
Personality changes across lifespan, and traits that predict well-being and successful ageing
Are old people really less open to experience?
Follow Dr. Vedel’s work!
Follow Dr. Vedel’s work:
Faculty page: https://bit.ly/2JaboHR
Researchgate page: https://bit.ly/2XycmCj
Relevant articles:
Big Five personality group differences across academic majors: A systematic review: https://bit.ly/2VJcTmQ
Personality and Academic Performance: https://bit.ly/2FrqLKT
Personality, academic majors and performance: Revealing complex patterns: https://bit.ly/2ZTyRTo
The Big Five and tertiary academic performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis: https://bit.ly/2LgZHSn