My name is Ricardo Lopes, and I'm from Portugal.
Thank you for visiting my podcast.
Over the past few years, I have conducted and released more than 800 interviews and talks with experts and academics from a variety of areas and disciplines, ranging from the Arts and Philosophy to the Social Sciences and Biology.
You will certainly find a subject of your interest covered here. New interviews are released on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Dr. Elena Ziliotti is an Assistant Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the Delft University of Technology. She works on Comparative political theory, focusing on debates in contemporary Confucian and Western political theory. She is the author of Meritocratic Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Political Theory.
Dr. Michael Axelrod is Director of the Human Development Center and a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire. He is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and Licensed Psychologist. He is editor of Investigating School Psychology: Pseudoscience, Fringe Science, and Controversies.
Dr. Kathryn Nave is a Leverhulme Trust early career research fellow at the University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on developing a realist account of autonomy and agency, grounded in the uniquely metabolic existence of living systems, and upon critiquing the machine concept of the organism in light of this distinctive material instability. She is the author of A Drive to Survive: The Free Energy Principle and the Meaning of Life.
Victoria Dougherty is the author of The Bone Church, Welcome to the Hotel Yalta, and Cold. She writes fiction, drama, and essays that revolve around lovers, killers, curses, and destinies. Her work has been published or profiled in the New York Times, USA Today, The International Herald Tribune, and elsewhere. Earlier in her career, while living in Prague, she co-founded Black Box Theater, translating, producing, and acting in several Czech plays. Her blog – COLD – features her short essays on faith, family, love, and writing. WordPress, the blogging platform that hosts some 70 million blogs worldwide, has singled out COLD as one of the Top 50 Recommended Blogs by writers or about writing.